August 11, 2021 | All Minutes
August 11, 2021
Supervisor Walsh called the meeting to order at 6:04PM followed by the Pledge. A moment of silence was observed for Arlene Depuy Carp.
Present: Supervisor Jeanne L. Walsh
Councilman Christopher Pryslopski
Councilman Ernest Klepeis
Councilwoman Carrie Wykoff
Excused: Councilman Matthew Igoe
ALSO PRESENT: Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor and Kenneth Hassett; Deputy Supervisor.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the July minutes with the following amendments; Page 1, paragraph 3 add for the bond, page 2, Resolution #4 add for the CDBG, page 4 Resolution #12, the Action Plan should be changed to the Reform Action Plan recommended by the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff.
Committee Reports:
Justice Court (Councilman Pryslopski):
Waiting on a new copier as the one they are using is not good.
Environmental (Councilman Pryslopski):
There may be 2 new applicants applying for the Commission.
Economic Development (Councilwoman Wykoff):
The Heart & Soul program is still being worked on.
Their meeting will be at the end of the month.
Planning/ZBA (Councilwoman Wykoff):
Their last meeting was cancelled for both meetings.
RMC (Councilwoman Wykoff):
There is a new mask protocol that all persons regardless of their vaccination status wear a mask.
During the last heavy rain storm there was a significant amount of water damage from flooding in the Rosendale wing only. Councilwoman Wykoff thanked Steve Christiana for all his hard work with this issue.
Building (Councilwoman Wykoff):
Took in $7,159.00 and 18 permits were issued.
Seniors (Councilman Klepeis):
The senior meal program has started again with once per week.
Recreation (Councilman Klepeis):
Rosendale RUNS believes they’re looking at an October 9th date for a simple run, no marathon. Still waiting on a Site Plan and Application for use.
The commission met with a group of people who ran outdoor winter soccer last year in Marbletown. They are interested in doing it in Rosendale and are preparing a detailed plan, their 501c3 documentation, a certificate of liability insurance and a completed application for use.
The Commission reviewed policies for Recreation Center use that haven’t been updated since 2017.
The pool capacity has been raised to 200 people and is now open until 7pm every day.
Tax Collector (Councilman Klepeis):
The books were turned over to the County.
Supervisors Report: READ.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to increase the salary for Denise DeHardt to $15.00 per hour effective 8/16/21 at 15 hours per week as a permanent part time employee, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Beth Boughton as cleaner at $13.00 per hour for no more than 29 hours per week, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Kyle Rompella as HMEO at $19.00 per hour for no more than 40 hours per week effective 8/16/21, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the agreement with the PBA, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to re-appoint Susan Gillespie to the Environmental Commission with a term expiring 12/31/22, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Pickle Festival – Victoria Coyne and Susan Constable discussed they have not fully decided if the festival is going to take place if the Covid numbers continue to rise. It is something they will decide by September 31st. They will keep in contact with the Town Board and let them know updates as they receive them.
Discussion – Hideaway Circus – Gweyn Larsen came to speak to the Town Board on behalf of the Hideway Circus since they want to hold the event at Stone Mountain Farm. The Town Clerk explained how this application was just received the morning of the meeting and it did not meet the 60-day requirement. She also expressed her concerns with the previous event that was held at Stone Mountain Farm and there were going to be no more exceptions on the 60-day period. The Town Board agreed there is not enough time to get what is needed for this event and going forward the 60 days need to be met. The Town Board agreed this event can not be approved.
Resolution 08-2021-#1 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approves the contract with Toshiba Business Solutions with the following amendments; #14 – exception for negligence to indemnity clause, #8 – to be deleted, and #5 – follow the Town of Rosendale invoice procedures, the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign the Toshiba contact, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#2 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to enter into contract for the annual software support contact for Water/Sewer Department billing, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#3 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approves automatic payments for accounts and any other instances that the Supervisor sees fit to be set each month, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#4 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the purchase of a Ventrac landscaping rake, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 Yes.
Resolution 08-2021-#5 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes Chief Scott Schaffrick to apply for the body worn camera microgrant, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#6 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign the third amendment to water towel lease agreement for Cellco partnership DBA Verizon Wireless, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#7 –Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to create an additional bank account to manage monies received from the American Rescue Plan Act, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#8 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the additional Lexipool addendum to online subscription, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Resolution 08-2021-#9 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign the fourth amendment to lease with the Rondout Valley Central School District and the Town of Rosendale for the Rondout Municipal Center, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Councilman Klepeis made a motion to pay bills, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
GENERAL FUND ABSTRACT 8 VOUCHER # 289-332 $57,015.62
HIGHWAY FUND ABSTRACT 8 VOUCHER # 150-172 $20,670.89
SEWER FUND ABSTRACT 8 VOUCHER # 107-129 $11,964.81
WATER FUND ABSTRACT 8 VOUCHER # 105-120 $ 8,085.49
RMC FUND ABSTRACT 8 VOUCHER # 87-97 $15,112.52
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 PM, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. ROLL VOTE: 4 YES.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mandy Donald
Town Clerk