July 8, 2020 | All Minutes
Supervisor Walsh called the meeting to order at 9:00 am with the Pledge to the Flag at the Rondout Municipal Center followed by a moment of silence for Virginia Lee Gray, Pamela Mary Brown and Margrit I. Amato.
Councilman Mathew Igoe
Councilman Christopher Pryslopski
Councilman Ernest Klepeis
Supervisor Jeanne L. Walsh
ALSO PRESENT: Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor, Kenneth Hassett; Deputy Supervisor, Dorene Whitaker; Highway Clerk and Bob Gallagher; Highway Superintendent.
Public Comment:
Lauren Spencer (via Zoom) expressed her concern regarding the process for selecting members for the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee. Maria Voon (via Zoom) expressed her concern regarding the process for selecting members for the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee. Sara Urick (via Zoom) expressed her concern regarding the process for selecting members for the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee. Councilman Klepeis read out loud a comment submitted via Zoom Messaging from Lori Gross: “I want to say that the building of a committee to address police accountability needs to be one that is open and transparent and inclusive of all community members and local stake holders. The committee needs to have representation of members of our community who are most affected by racism and police brutality… including Black, Brown, Indigenous and LGBTQ folks. Thank you!”
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the June 10th minutes, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 4 Yes.
Committee Reports:
Councilman Klepeis (Water/Sewer):
- Water took in $2,087.47 and Sewer took in $1,635.96 for the month of June.
Councilman Klepeis (Recreation):
- Received quotes for fence repair for the baseball field and the playground.
- Looking for a second quote for repairing the generator at the Recreation Center.
- A pool technician examined the pools cracks, getting quotes for that.
Councilman Klepeis (Assessor):
- The Assessor starting reviewing homes in June as part of the reassessment plan; so far he has inspected 200 properties.
Councilman Klepeis (Economic Commission):
- Did not meet in June but they are expecting to meet in July. They will be changing their meetings to the 3rd Wednesday of every month, the location will be the Rondout Municipal Center (RMC).
Councilman Klepeis (Chamber of Commerce):
- They are meeting to discuss how to support local businesses during the reopen process.
Councilman Klepeis (Tax Collector):
- The books were turned over to Ulster County in June; any payments that have to be made will have to go directly to them for the remainder of the year.
Councilman Igoe (Youth):
- They continue to remain shut down due to Covid-19; they will reevaluate in August to see if there are any programs that can be reopened.
Councilman Igoe (RMC):
- Gearing up for Covid-19 protection.
- The RMC playground is now open.
Councilman Igoe (Highway):
- They are finishing up a paving project on Grove Street.
Councilman Igoe (Food Pantry):
- Always in need of food or monetary donations.
Councilman Igoe (Police):
- Rosendale Police Officer talked down potential suicide victim.
- Defibrillator batteries will need replacing soon.
- Still waiting to see if the grant goes through for the Rosendale Police Department to purchase its first electric vehicle.
Councilman Pryslopski (Town Clerk):
- They still remain on limited office hours. The Town Clerk has been issued a cell phone and can be reached at (845) 337-0059.
- Due to a software change, we cannot issue fishing/hunting licenses; we will let the public know when we can once again issue them.
- Total disbursements:
- February $6,894.95.
- Missing March, will report next month.
- April $5,573.50.
- May $5,359.69.
- Missing June, will report next month.
Councilman Pryslopski (Justice Court):
- The reopening is planned for August.
- Will report on financials next month.
Councilman Pryslopski (Transfer Station):
- Remains on reduced hours; payments need to be made via drop box on location, checks, or exact change.
- Will report on financials next month.
Councilman Pryslopski (Dog Control):
- Still on month-to-month basis with SPCA; acting dog warden, Andrew Freano, can be reached at (845) 389-2205
- Took in $52.00 in February, $102.00 in March and $131.00 in April.
Councilman Pryslopski (Environmental Commission):
- A few members met in June to pull weeds from around the Trees for Tribs planted along the stream at the Rosendale Recreation Center.
- They plan to meet by Zoom 7:00 p.m. on July 16th.
Supervisor’s Report Read.
1. Speakers from Rosendale Accountability Committee – The Rosendale Accountability Committee was created by residents of the Town of Rosendale. Members of this Committee attended the Town Board meeting and spoke to the Town Board about concerns they had regarding the appointments to the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee and comments made by Chief Schaffrick at a rally in held Rosendale.
2. Resolution 07-2020-#1 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorize the following budgetary transfer:
From: Unexpended Fund Balance
Amount: $45,000.00
To: Capital Equipment
Motion was seconded by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 4 Yes.
3. Resolution 07-2020-#2 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the purchase of a new 2021 International HV 507 SFA 4X2 Cab Chassis and rear bed, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 4 Yes.
The Town Board had a brief discussion about the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee. It was the decision of the Town Board to hold off on making the appointments at today’s meeting. The Deputy Town Clerk was directed to post on the town website that the Town Board is accepting application for 2 additional positions on the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee; the appointments will be made at the August Town Board Meeting.
4. Social Media Policy Review – the Town Board was given copies and had a brief discussion of the proposed “Media Correspondence and Social Media Use”.
5. Resolution 07-2020-#3 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign the lease agreement with RVGA, Inc., be it further resolved that this resolution shall become effective upon its passage by both the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale and the Town Board of the Town of Marbletown, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 3 Yes, Councilman Igoe: Recused.
6. Resolution 07-2020-#4 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign Contract No. C040136 between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Town of Rosendale for additional funding in order to continue to provide parking facilities at the Rosendale Park & Ride, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 4 Yes.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Kayla Wallace effective 6/30/2020, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 4 Yes. The Town Board thanked Kayla for her service.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the retirement of Theresa Heinitz effective 7/31/2020, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 4 Yes. The Town Board thanked Theresa for her many years of service.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of John Hughes effective 7/7/2020, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 4 Yes. The Town Board thanked John for his years of service and wish him all the best.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the vouchers and pay the bills, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 4 Yes.
GENERAL FUND – ABSTRACT – VOUCHER #243-265 – $20,738.36
HIGHWAY FUND – ABSTRACT – VOUCHER #105-125 – $58,331.33
SEWER FUND – ABSTRACT – VOUCHER #77-86 – $9,936.39
WATER FUND – ABSTRACT – VOUCHER #68-77 – $8,576.25
RMC FUND – ABSTRACT – VOUCHER #77-82 – $4,941.81
Councilman Klepeis reviewed with the Town Board quotes from DeWitt Mills Fence Company, Inc. for fence repair work needed at the Recreation Center. Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire DeWitt Mills Fence Company, Inc. at 555 DeWitt Mills Rd, Kingston, NY 12401 for Tennis Court fence repair and Ball Field fence repair totaling $14,951.60, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 4 Yes.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to go into executive session at 11:35 a.m. to discuss the employment of a particular person. Executive session ended at 12:10 pm with no motions made.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 12:11 pm, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 4 YES.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alexis Vera
Deputy Town Clerk