Town Board March 24, 2021 Special Meeting

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March 24, 2021 | All Minutes

MARCH 24, 2021

Supervisor Walsh called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm followed by the Pledge.

Present Via Zoom:
Supervisor Jeanne L. Walsh
Councilman Christopher Pryslopski
Councilman Matthew Igoe
Councilman Ernest Klepeis
Councilwoman Carrie Wykoff

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Alexis Perusse effective April 7, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Christine Harrison as Deputy Town Clerk for 30 hours per week at $14.00 per hour for a probation period of 6 months then raised $1.00 effective March 29, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to reduce the hours of Gary Wells as Full Time Officer to part time officer at $25.96 per hour effective April 1, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Adam Monfort as a full time non benefited officer for 90 days effective April 1, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

The Public Hearing was opened by the Town Clerk for the Sand Hill Water Tank.

  1. Resolution 03-2021-#10 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approve the state environmental quality review act process amendment for the Town of Rosendale Water System Improvements Project, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.
  2. Speaker – Jason Ballard from Barton & Loguidice discussed the Sand Hill Water Tank to the Board. There are 2 really big leaks and a temporary tank is unrealistic. He said the best way to go about this project is to purchase land from the cemetery and make an access road since the hill is too steep behind the tank. The bond resolution needs to be increased for this Project. Councilman Igoe said that it was a great project.

Marty Einneman a Rosendale resident called the Town Clerk’s town phone to ask the Town Board about the Sand Hill Water project as he does not have internet access to hear the details. He asked if the access road will be black top. Jason Ballard said he was unsure due to the cost and funding available.

The Public Hearing for the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee was opened by the Town Clerk at 6:24 pm.

  1. Supervisor Walsh said there were 8 pages that were left out in error and need to be added back in that have the data requests done for cases, incidents and traffic stops. There was also a typo on page 10 2nd to last paragraph lowest lowest should read lowest. Ted Dixon read 3 paragraphs from the report for the community on page 31. He said he was honored to be the Chair of the Committee and thanked the Town board. Josh Baron stated he appreciated the opportunity for being on the Committee. Councilwoman Wykoff also thanked the Committee with all their hard work.
  2. Resolution 3-2021-#11 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to sign the lease agreement for the new mail machine for the Town hall, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.
  3. Resolution 3-2021-#12 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that he Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the contract for the annual support software for payroll, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.
  4. Resolution 3-2021#13 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby adopts the Plan of Operations in the event of a declared public health emergency involving a communicable disease, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to pay bills, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.


GENERAL FUND   ABSTRACT 3 VOUCHER #92-101 $14, 734.00

HIGHWAY FUND  ASTRACT 3 VOUCHER #55-56  $13,325,49


RMC FUND  ABSTRACT 3  VOUCHER #22-31  $13,307.98

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to close the Sand Hill Water Tower hearing at 6:40 pm, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to close the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee hearing at 6:42 pm, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

  1. Resolution 03-2021- #14 – Councilman Igoe made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby adopts the plan and recommendations presented by the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. ROLL VOTE: 5 YES.

Ted Dixon thanked everyone for their work on the Committee.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 6:52 pm, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mandy Donald

Town Clerk