February 10, 2021 | All Minutes
February 10, 2021
Deputy Supervisor Hassett called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm via Facebook Live with the Pledge to the Flag followed by a moment of silence for Joseph Paparone, Bernarr Schaeffer, Patricia Ann Fay and Heather Cole.
PRESENT: Councilman Christopher Pryslopski (via Zoom)
Councilman Ernest Klepeis (via Zoom)
Councilwoman Wykoff (via Zoom)
EXCUSED: Supervisor Jeanne L. Walsh, Councilman Igoe
ALSO PRESENT: Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor (via Zoom).
Councilman Klepeis announced that seniors 65 years of age and older are eligible for Covid-19 vaccinations; for more information, visit covid19.ulstercountyny.gov.
Committee Reports:
Councilman Klepeis (Recreation Commission):
- The Commission met in January, they discussed upgrades to the park and also potential future programs.
Councilman Klepeis (Youth Commission):
- The Youth Center is still closed due to Covid.
- The Town Board will be reviewing a piano donation and Grant Resolution for the Youth Center.
Councilman Klepeis (Chamber of Commerce):
- They did not meet in January.
Councilman Klepeis (Tax Collector):
- Due to delayed delivery from USPS the Town Board will be reviewing a Resolution to waive late fees for property tax payments. Thank you Debbie Checchia and staff for the extra work and long hours put in due to the delay.
Councilman Pryslopski (Town Clerk):
- Office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm by appointment only; staff hours have been reduced so response times may be slightly longer than usual. There is a drop box outside to leave items for the Town Hall. The Town Hall phone number is (845)658-3159; other ways to get information is the website townofrosendale.com and the Facebook page “Town of Rosendale Town Hall”.
- Total disbursements: November 2020 $9,633.07 and December 2020 $12,288.02.
Councilman Pryslopski (Justice Court):
- Still closed to regular business.
Councilman Pryslopski (Transfer Station):
- They are still on reduced hours; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30am-3:10pm.
- There is a dropbox to make payments; checks or exact change only.
Councilman Pryslopski (Dog Control):
- In November they took in $264.00 for the Town and $39.00 in surcharges for NYS.
Councilman Pryslopski (Environmental Commission):
- There are many Commissions that are looking for volunteers, the Environmental Commission has 3 vacancies.
Councilwoman Wykoff (Economic Commission):
- The next meeting is February 17th at 5:30 via Zoom.
Councilwoman Wykoff (Historian):
- He is looking into virtual programs for the Spring.
Councilwoman Wykoff (Planning Department):
- The next meeting is scheduled for February 11th at 7:00pm via Blue Jeans.
Councilwoman Wykoff (RMC):
- The Building Manager is staying on top of various repairs and service for equipment.
- The generator installation is on schedule.
- Thank you to the Building Manager Steve Christiana for the extra work and long hours put in during the recent snow storms.
Councilwoman Wykoff (Community Police Reform Committee):
- The Draft Report has been released for public review. Public comments will be accepted until Monday, February 22nd.
Councilwoman Wykoff (ZBA):
- The next meeting is scheduled for February 16th at 7:00pm via Zoom.
Councilwoman Wykoff (Building Department):
- Took in $2,571.00 in January.
The Supervisor’s Report and approving minutes will be put off until next meeting.
Thank you to the Highway Department for the long hours and extra work put in during the recent snow storms.
Councilman Pryslopski made a motion to hire Denise DeHardt as Water & Sewer Clerk at $14.00 per hour per diem, effective 2/16/21, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
Councilman Pryslopski made a motion to re-appoint Anthony Stenta and Joseph Hafner to the Police Commission, term expiring 12/31/21, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
Councilwoman Wykoff made a motion for the Economic Development Commission to re-appoint Andrew Willner as Chair – term expiring 12/31/21, appoint Amberly Campbell – term expiring 12/31/22 and appoint Kathleen Mandeville – term expiring 12/31/23, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
Councilman Klepeis made a motion to accept the donation of a piano to the Youth Center, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
Councilman Klepeis made a motion to accept the donation of $21.40 from Liz Prescott for the Dogs, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
- Applications and available openings for Boards and Commissions – Reviewed by the Town Board.
- Junk Yard Permit Application Renewal for Tyler – Reviewed by the Town Board.
- Resolution 2-2021-#1 – Councilman Pryslopski made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approves the change of a full time status to 30 hours per week for Principal Life Insurance, to be effective February 1, 2021, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
- Resolution 2-2021-#2 – Councilman Pryslopski made a motion that the Town Board of the Rosendale waives the late fees for the 2021 tax bill payments, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
- Resolution 2-2021-#3 – Councilman Klepeis made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the contract with NYS Office of Children and Family Services for the 2021 Program Year, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
- Resolution 2-2021-#4 – Councilman Klepeis made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes Mary Lou P. Christiana, to sign the stipulation of settlement with Iron Mountain, in her capacity of Attorney for the Town, on behalf of the Town of Rosendale, the Assessor for the Town of Rosendale, and the Board of Assessment Review for the Town of Rosendale, 2nd by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
The Deputy Town Clerk read out loud the Vouchers to be paid.
Deputy Supervisor Hassett adjourned the meeting at 7:37 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alexis Vera
Deputy Town Clerk