Town Board December 9, 2020 Minutes

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December 9, 2020 | All Minutes

December 9, 2020

Supervisor Walsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge to the Flag at the Rondout Municipal Center followed by a moment of silence for James Grable, Evan Fraser and James Brown.

PRESENT:             Councilman Mathew Igoe (via Zoom)
Councilman Christopher Pryslopski (via Zoom)
Councilman Ernest Klepeis (via Zoom)
Councilwoman Wykoff (via Zoom)
Supervisor Jeanne L. Walsh (via Zoom)

ALSO PRESENT: Jill La Fera; Assistant to the Supervisor (via Zoom).

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the October and November minutes with the following amendment:

November 4th, 2020 Minutes should read “Councilwoman Wykoff said the heat at the RMC has been turned on and also all employees are going to have a fob to enter by the Police entrance.”

Motion was seconded by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Committee Reports:

Councilman Igoe (Highway Department):

  • Completed leaf removal at Plains Cemetery.
  • The new culvert was installed on River Road.
  • They finished the winter prep.
  • The new tractor was received; the first phase of the new truck is complete.
  • Took in $3,887.00 in November.

Councilman Igoe (Police Department):

  • The Police Department and the Bloomington Fire Department did a fundraiser recently and donated about $1,300.00 to the Rosendale Food Pantry and the Commitment to Kids Toy Drive.
  • The details about the new Tesla will be reviewed later in the meeting.
  • Took in $30.00 in November.

Councilman Igoe (Water/Sewer Department):

  • Water meter installations have been put on hold due to Covid; there are still 120 left to do.
  • The water transfer to the HFWD will continue for 9 more weeks; the Ulster County Community College will not be drawing water from the District during the shutdown.
  • Going to bid for the Rosendale Sewer Plant has been pushed back to 2021.
  • There was 100 feet of sewer pipe on Route 213 that collapsed. NYS Department of Transportation (DOT) has replaced the pipe and covered expenses under their budget.
  • In November, Water took in $36,148.45 and Sewer took in $34,287.80.

Councilman Igoe (HFWD):

  • The District went out to Bid for the 205 Water Meters. The bid has been awarded but is waiting to start.
  • Took in $3,301.82 in November.

Councilman Pryslopski (Town Clerk):

  • Offices hours are Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm by appointment only; staff hours have been reduced so response times may be slightly longer than usual.
  • Took in $13,824.70 for the month of September.

Councilman Pryslopski (Dog Control):

  • The Town of Rosendale will continue to contract with the UCSPCA for Dog Control services.

Councilman Pryslopski (Transfer Station):

  • There have been many inquiries made for the concrete slab to get done; so far no one has returned a call back. The project will have to be pushed to next year.

Councilwoman Wykoff (Economic Commission):

  • Need to fill two more positions.
  • They had a successful meeting in November via Zoom.
  • Next meeting is scheduled for December 16th at 5:30pm via Zoom.

Councilwoman Wykoff (Historian):

  • Bill Brooks was in an article in last week’s BlueStone Press.
  • He is looking into virtual programs.

Councilwoman Wykoff (Planning Department):

  • They did not meet in November.
  • The next meeting is scheduled for December 10th at 7:00pm.

Councilwoman Wykoff (RMC):

  • The shed has been demolished to make space for the new generator.
  • Winter guidelines have been distributed.

Councilwoman Wykoff (Community Police Reform Committee):

  • They have their next public meeting scheduled for December 15th at 5:30pm via Facebook Live.
  • Their goal is to complete their draft plan by mid-January 2021.

Councilwoman Wykoff (ZBA):

  • The next meeting is scheduled for December 15th at 7:00pm via Zoom.

Councilwoman Wykoff (Building Department):

  • Took in $6,748.00 in November.

Councilman Klepeis (Youth Commission):

  • The Youth Center is closed due to the community spread of Covid-19. Thank you to the staff for running such a great program.

Councilman Klepeis (Recreation Commission):

  • The fence replacement by the playground and the Route 32 side of the baseball field is complete; the Resolution to replace the fence around the 3rd baseline should get approved tonight.
  • An application was submitted from UlsterCorps to reserve the Recreation Center parking lot for their annual MLK Day Celebration of Service. This year it will be a drive thru event on January 16th from 12:00pm-2:00pm. The Town Board had a brief discussion about details of the event.

Councilman Klepeis made a motion to give conditional approval to the UlsterCorps for their Annual MLK Day Celebration of Service Event on January 16th 2021. Approval granted with the following conditions met:

  1. The event in no way breaks the most up to date State, County or Town Covid-19 Guidelines.
  2. The Chief of Police give approval for the Event; a Traffic Safety Plan must also be submitted and approved by the Chief.
  3. A Site Plan must be submitted.

The Town Clerk can give final approval once all paperwork has been submitted and conditions are met. In addition, the traffic safety fee shall be waived. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Wykoff. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Councilman Klepeis (Assessor):

  • The Town Board will be reviewing tonight a draft letter to Governor Cuomo requesting that an Executive Order be issued suspending the requirement to renew the senior citizens and disability exemption for one year.

Councilman Klepeis (Tax Collector):

  • The beginning of June the books are turned over to the U.C. Treasurer; any inquiries must be made through that office at 845-340-3431.

Councilman Pryslopski (Environmental Commission):

  • Nate Nardi-Cyrus is working on the Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) Maps; they should be updated by 2021.
  • Susan Gillespie and Darryl Hamlin are working on Solar Laws and Codes for the town.
  • The next meeting is December 17th at 7:00pm; if there is a quorum they will broadcast via Facebook Live.

Supervisor’s Report Read.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Kyle Frano effective 11/22/2020, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Daniel Odendahl as Police Officer for no more than 20 hours per week at $22.87 per hour effective 12/10/2020, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

  1. Review of Pandemic Operations Plan – the Town Board reviewed the plan with no motions made. They will revisit at the January meeting.
  2. Supervisor Walsh made a motion to pay a $500.00 stipend each to the following clerks: Mandy Donald, Alexis Perusse, Kimberly Cole and Laurie Hornbeck for the management of the Rosendale Water & Sewer District clerk duties from 8/1/2020-12/31/2020, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  3. Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the letter to Governor Cuomo to support suspending mandatory exemption renewals for seniors, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  4. Resolution 12-2020-#1 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale authorizes the Supervisor to approve the adjustment to the Contract with Environmental Consultants effective January 1, 2021 and to sign said proposal; and be it further resolved that this resolution shall become effective upon its passage by the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale and the Town Board of the Town of Marbletown, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  5. Resolution 12-2020-#2 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale adopts the fee increase for Street Reports from $75.00 to $85.00 and Driveway Permits from $100.00 to $125.00 to be effective January 1, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  6. Resolution 12-2020-#3 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby approves the Town of Rosendale Youth Director to submit the application for the Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Campaign for the Rosendale Youth Center, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  7. Resolution 12-2020-#4 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale approves that the Supervisor sign the Solid Waste Management Agreement with Ulster County Resource Agency (UCRRA) to be dated January 1, 2021, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  8. Resolution 12-2020-#5 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the Agreement with Tesla for the purchase of an electric vehicle for the Police Department, 2nd by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes. Thank you to Jennifer Metzger for getting this grant for the Town of Rosendale.
  9. Resolution 12-2020-#6 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the agreement with Spectrum for internet at the Transfer Station, 2nd by Councilman Pryslopski. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  10. Resolution 12-2020-#7 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the quote from Dewitt Mills Fence Co., Inc. for fencing around the third base line of the Baseball Field at the Recreation Center, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  11. Resolution 12-2020-#8 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorizes the Supervisor to sign the Contract with Ulster County SPCA for Dog Control Services, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.
  12. Resolution 12-2020-#9 – Supervisor Walsh made a motion that the Town Board of the Town of Rosendale hereby authorize the following budgetary transfers:


GENERAL FUND – Transfer the sum of:
From   To   Amount
A1410.4 Town Clerk P.S. A1410.4 Town Clerk C.E. $572.00
A1990.4 Contingency C.E. A5182.4 Street Lighting $26,058.00
A7150.1 Pool P.S. A7140.4 Playground/Rec C.E. $26,229.00
A7150.1 Pool P.S. A7140.4 Playground/Rec C.E. $6,221.00
A1990.4 Contingency C.E. A8810.4 Cemeteries C.E. $644.00
A9030.8 Social Security A9010.8 Emp Ben State Ret $62.00
A9030.8 Social Security A9015.8 Police Retirement $278.00
A9030.8 Social Security A9040.8 Workers Comp Gen $91.00
A9030.8 Social Security A9050.8 Unemployment Ins Gen $47,079.00
HIGHWAY FUND – Transfer the sum of:
From   To   Amount
DA9060.8 Employee Ben Med Ins DA1910.4 Special Ites Unall Hwy $8,558.00
DA9060.8 Employee Ben Med Ins DA9040.8 Workers Comp $9,045.00

Motion was seconded by Councilman Igoe. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the vouchers and pay the bills, 2nd by Councilman Prylsopski. Roll Vote: 5 Yes.


GENERAL FUND                ABSTRACT 12                     VOUCHER #411-484                         $53,891.90

HIGHWAY FUND               ABSTRACT 12                      VOUCHER #208-241                         $13144.14

SEWER FUND                     ABSTRACT 12                      VOUCHER #144-164                         $15,674.62

WATER FUND                    ABSTRACT 12                      VOUCHER #153-170                         $7,738.38

SPECIAL LIGHTING           ABSTRACT 12                      VOUCHER #9                                      $2,584.04

RMC FUND                          ABSTRACT 12                      VOUCHER #138-151                         $14003.47


Supervisor Walsh asked the Deputy Town Clerk to post that the January 6th Organizational Meeting is cancelled and will be rescheduled for Monday, January 4th, 2021.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 8:17 pm, 2nd by Councilman Klepeis. Roll Vote: 5 YES.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alexis Vera

Deputy Town Clerk