Rosendale Police Commission November 24, 2020 Minutes

HOME > Rosendale Police Commission November 24, 2020 Minutes

November 24, 2020 | All Minutes


Commissioners Supervisor Jeanne Walsh, Anthony Stenta, Joe Hafner


November 24, 2020 Police Commission Meeting

Rondout Municipal Center

2:40 p.m. Meeting called to Order

Pledge of Allegiance: Supervisor Walsh

PRESENT: Supervisor Walsh, Commissioner Hafner, Chief Schaffrick,

ABSENT:  Commissioner Stenta, Councilman Igoe

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to approve the minutes from October 27, 2020; 2nd by Commissioner Hafner.  Roll Vote: 2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Commissioner Stenta.

Chief’s Report:

Chief Schaffrick reported that there have been approximately 6,000 calls to date, 202 cases and 101 arrests.  There were no use of force incidents this past month for October. There have been 66 accidents to date.  Chief Schaffrick stated that the department currently has 62 active warrants and the department is in the process of clearing the warrants out.

Halloween:  Chief Schaffrick stated that there were no incidents. The curfew was earlier this year due to COVID-19. Chief Schaffrick was at the Rosendale Theater’s Halloween trick or treating and that went well.

The First Responder’s Mass was held on October 25, at St. Peter’s Church and was a nice turn out.

Technology:  Chief Schaffrick ordered 2 new desktop computers and they should be arriving this week.  Chief Schaffrick reported possibly taking the current server and have that server as the Tracs server which would save money.  Chief is getting a quote tomorrow and hoping that it will be up and running by the end of the year. The Chief is waiting for a 3rd quote for the server.

AED:  Chief Schaffrick reported that one of the AED went out of service and has reached its life expectancy. Chief is not going to replace it and is looking to fund another one either this year or next year.  The cost to repair the AED was $400.00 just to look at it and it was at its life expectancy. It’s approximately $1,600 to $1,800.00 for a new one.  The department has 2 operational at this time. Supervisor Walsh stated she will look into budgets to try to get a new one.

Radio Repairs:  Chief Schaffrick reported that the portable radios have been repaired and it was approximately $1,600.00 to get them fixed.

Vehicles:  7F364 was in an accident and was totaled by the insurance company.  All of the police equipment has been stripped out and the Chief would like to thank the Highway Department for doing that and Chief is waiting for insurance paperwork.  All other vehicles are working properly.  Chief Schaffrick reported that he has been working with Tesla and forwarded all of the paperwork for the electric vehicle to replace 7F364 and should have that car up and running by the end of the year. The money received from insurance will offset the money for outfitting the new 7F364.  Supervisor Walsh stated she will send a letter to the Department of State to let them know we are moving forward on the purchase of the vehicle to replace the damaged car.

Personnel:  Chief Schaffrick stated that he has one Officer finishing Phase II and will then begin Field Training and has another Officer returning to the Academy to attend radar/data master training and Officer Survival Training.  Chief Schaffrick stated that he had 3 officers graduate from the Crisis Intervention Training and about half of the Officers are trained in the Crisis Intervention Training and the Chief is looking to have the other half attend that training in the Spring 2021.


Chief Schaffrick stated that there was a fundraiser for the Rosendale Food Pantry and it was set up thru the Police Department’s Facebook page and directly to the Rosendale Food Pantry that way no money was exchanged between our officers and the people who sponsored.  The Chief participated in the 100 mile bike ride and the fundraiser raised approximately $1,200.00 for the Food Pantry.


New Business:

Resignation:  Officer Kyle Frano submitted his resignation effective November 22, 2020.  Supervisor Walsh made a motion to accept the resignation of Kyle Frano and thank him for his service, 2nd by Commissioner Hafner.  Roll Vote: 2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Commissioner Stenta.

Chief Schaffrick conducted interviews about a month and a half ago. Chief Schaffrick would like to recommend to the Commission to hire Daniel Odendahl as a part time police officer.  Mr. Odendahl is currently a full time police officer with the Town of Ulster and was a police officer with the Town of Shandaken before that. Chief Schaffrick had his application and resume which the Commission reviewed. Chief will forward a copy of his paperwork to the Commission.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to hire Daniel Odendahl as a part time police officer to fill Kyle Frano’s vacancy. 2nd by Commissioner Hafner. Roll Vote: 2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Commissioner Stenta.

Chief Schaffrick had 2 sets of printed reports for the Commission.  They were the same reports that he submitted to the Rosendale Community Police Reform Committee. The reports have a breakdown of the Police Department’s statistics.  Commissioner Hafner asked about the cases and Chief Schaffrick described the process.  Supervisor Walsh asked if there was a way to breakdown further by residents/non-residents and the Chief stated that he would look into that.

Old Business:

The Commission had asked to follow-up with an individual from a Facebook message about their experiences with police departments.  The individual stated that their experience with the Rosendale Police Department was positive and the negative ones they were referring to were the Los Angeles Police Department and New York Police Department when they lived in those areas. Since Chief Schaffrick had already corresponded with the individual, Commissioner Hafner did not contact them.


Commissioner Hafner stated that he has been sitting in the Police Reform Committee’s open Facebook meeting and asked questions about comments that were on the Police Reform Committee’s public meeting and asked if the Police Reform Committee and/or the Police Commission would look into  tracking down those complaints/informations. Chief Schaffrick stated that he thought Councilman Igoe and another person from the Police Reform Committee were going to look into it and try to meet with that person.  Commissioner Hafner also stated that if individuals who had experiences/difficulties at a police stop with the Rosendale Police to come forward to discuss any problems. Chief Schaffrick stated he would bring any inquires to the Police Reform Committee.  Commissioner Hafner stated that most of the calls from the public meeting were positive.  Chief Schaffrick was going to check to see about the Police Reform Committee to meet with the Police Commission.  Supervisor Walsh stated that Commissioner Hafner could also talk to Councilman Igoe since he is the Police Department Liaison to discuss any of his concerns.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss the employment of a particular person. 2nd by Commissioner Hafner.  Roll Vote: 2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Commissioner Stenta.

Executive Session ended at 3:50 p.m. with no action taken at this time.

Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 3:51. 2nd by Commissioner Hafner. Roll Vote: 2 Yes; Opposed: 0; Abstentions: 0; Absent: Commissioner Stenta.

Respectfully submitted,




Peggy Dingman

Deputy Town Clerk