March 23, 2021 | All Minutes
Commissioners Supervisor Jeanne Walsh, Anthony Stenta, Joe Hafner
March 23, 2021 Police Commission Meeting
Rondout Municipal Center
2:30 p.m. Meeting called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance: Supervisor Walsh
PRESENT: Supervisor Walsh, Commissioner Hafner, Commissioner Stenta, Chief Schaffrick, Councilman Igoe
Commissioner Hafner made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 23, 2021 meeting, 2nd by Commissioner Stenta. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
Chief Schaffrick received a letter from Carolyn Bordenstein thanking the police officers for patrolling her street.
Chief’s Report:
Personnel: Training: Chief Schaffrick stated that 2 officers are attending Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice Training; 2 officers are attending Recognizing Impaired Persons Training; 2 officers are attending Sheriff Michael Lewis’s Highway Drug Interdiction Training, which is thru the Ulster County STOP DWI. Cycle Training will be moving forward soon. Officer Anthony LaRocca will be finishing his Field Training this week. Chief Schaffrick would like to discuss personnel changes at the end of the meeting in Executive Session.
Patrol Vehicles: Chief Schaffrick ran an analysis of what has been spent on maintenance for the vehicles so far this year and we are alright at this time. Chief Schaffrick talked to the company today about the Tesla and all the equipment and parts are now in and they will be building our car within the next week and the Chief is looking to have it completed by April. Chief Schaffrick submitted a Purchase Order Request for additional striping on the vehicles to increase visibility. Chief Schaffrick will be meeting with Enterprise Fleet Leasing to see if it would be an option to lease vehicles.
Computers/Server: The new server is in and it will be delivered and installed tomorrow. They will work remotely to transfer our files from the existing server to the new one.
Body Cameras: Chief Schaffrick received from Watchguard the requirement sheets and he will be sending figures to them.
Grants: The department received from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Council a Pre-Screen Breath Test Unit which is in service. Chief Schaffrick received an extra grant for $1,000.00 thru Ulster County STOP DWI Crackdown for Holiday periods and he is planning on scheduling a road check during the summer. Chief Schaffrick submitted information for a possible grant from NY State regarding equipment that was purchased for the new discovery requirements and as he receives information he will report back at the April meeting. Chief Schaffrick stated that 2 officers are working on the Governor’s Traffic Safety Grant and this year they are addressing the speed concerns to reduce accidents from the New York State Thruway on Route 32 to the Town Line which includes Dewitt Mills Road and Dewitt Lake Road. Chief Schaffrick will be meeting in April with the Ulster County and State Highway Departments to discuss solutions to slow traffic. Chief stated that two officers are working on a proposal for the next area of concern/interest.
Records: We are continuing to go through the records to consolidate and set up to slowly purge our older records according to the New York State retention program.
STATS: To date, there have been 1605 calls for service, 34 criminal cases, 22 arrests. To date, there have been 185 tickets and 22 accidents that have been investigated.
Chief Schaffrick stated that he has added more Aggressive Driver details and DWI Patrols, during the evening hours, which are thru grant funding.
New Business:
National Night Out: Chief Schaffrick has an Officer researching a National Night Out, which is a national program where officers are involved in the community and he will report back next month. Paperwork will have to be submitted the first week of May.
Tow Companies: Chief Schaffrick stated that the department updated all information, applications, and regulations and they are signed by the companies and all are up to date.
Chief Schaffrick met with Ulster County Highway regarding Breezy Hill Road and Sawdust Road to discuss possible solutions of changing signage. Chief Schaffrick had a speed trailer put up and he received a speed report and will have extra patrol to those areas.
Chief Schaffrick received a request from the Court regarding shelving they received for free from the Office of Court Administration and we are receiving them Friday for the Records Room.
Supervisor Walsh stated that there is a Special Town Board Meeting tomorrow night for a Public Hearing and presenting the Rosendale Police Reform and Reinvention Report, copies of which are posted on Facebook and the Town’s Website and are in the Town Clerk’s Office, which is at 6:00 p.m. on Facebook Live to comment and participate.
Commissioner Hafner asked about the Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice Training. Chief Schaffrick briefly discussed what the class was about. Chief Schaffrick would like to have all of the officers attend this training.
Supervisor Walsh made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss the employment of a particular employee. 2nd by Commissioner Stenta.
Executive Session ended at 3:25 p.m. Supervisor Walsh made a motion to adjourn at 3:25 p.m. 2nd by Commissioner Hafner. Roll Vote: 3 Yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Dingman
Deputy Town Clerk