Planning Board September 10, 2020 Minutes

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September 10, 2020 | All Minutes



Thursday, September 10th, 2020

Rondout Municipal Center

1915 Lucas Ave.

Cottekill, NY 12419

*This virtual meeting was held by using a conference system called BlueJeans.

Chairman Billy Liggan called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:04 pm.

Roll Call

Billy Liggan, Chairman                                                          Present

Joseph Havranek, Vice Chairman                                          Present

Jere Brown                                                                              Present

John Ivankovic                                                                        Present

Nick Mercurio                                                                        Present

Randi Morf                                                                             Excused

Jim Luckner                                                                            Present

Andrew Casey (Alternate)                                                      Excused

Dave Plante, Bergmann Associates Consultant                      Present

Brisa Casas, Clerk                                                                    Present

Rosendale Town Board Councilwoman Carrie Wykoff         Present

There is no representative from the Rosendale Environmental Commission present.


Motion made by Jere Brown, seconded by John Ivankovic, to accept the minutes from August 13th, 2020.

Roll Vote: Chairman Billy Liggan – Yes, Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek – Yes, Jere Brown –Yes, Nick Mercurio   – Yes, John Ivankovic – Yes, Jim Luckner – Yes

Motion carried.

Public Hearing:

Application: #2020-6-Lot Line Adjustment 

SBL: 70.1-2-25/70.1-3-32

Location: 1 Dutch Barn Road/Route 213

Applicant: Robert Tully, Ann Tully and Jeannine Tully

Bill Eggers of Meddenbach & Eggers, is present on behalf of this application.

Motion made by John Ivankovic, seconded by Nick Mercurio, to open the public hearing at 7:07pm.

Roll Vote: Chairman Billy Liggan – Yes, Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek – Yes, Jere Brown –Yes, Nick Mercurio   – Yes, John Ivankovic – Yes, Jim Luckner – Yes

Motion carried.

Mr. Eggers gives a short description of the proposed Lot Line Adjustment between the Lands of Robert and Ann Tully & Lands of Jeannine Tully.

Public Comment:

Ray Sykes: Is this being done for future land development?

Bill Eggers: No, the transfer of land is not intended for development of the land.

Motion made by Jere Brown, seconded by Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek, to close the public hearing at 7:14pm.

Roll Vote: Chairman Billy Liggan – Yes, Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek – Yes, Jere Brown –Yes, Nick Mercurio   – Yes, John Ivankovic – Yes, Jim Luckner – Yes

Motion carried.

The board discusses the application and is satisfied with the applicant’s response to the public comments.

Motion made by Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek, seconded by Jim Luckner, to approve application #2020-6-Lot Line Adjustment with the following conditions:

  1. (1) Mylar copy & (4) paper copies of the Final Plat is submitted for Planning Board signatures.
  2. The new deeds are filed with the Final Plats and a copy of the deeds are submitted to the Planning Board.
  3. All fees are paid in full.

Old Business: 

Application: #2020-5-Site Plan Review

SBL:  62.16-1-5

Location: 2071 Route 32

Applicant: Catherine Finley and Gavin Anderson

Katie Finley is present on behalf of this application.

  • Katie submitted (via email) a copy of the driveway permit application to the New York State Department of Transportation for improvements to the existing driveway.
  • There are plans to use trellis/lattice and plantings to screen the garbage cans/propane tank
  • Dave Plante is satisfied Katie addressed all of his application comments.

Chairman Billy Liggan reads out loud, reviews and deliberates with the board Part II & Part III of the Environmental Assessment Form (EAF)

Motion made by Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek, seconded by John Ivankovic, for a negative declaration of SEQRA determination of significance.

Roll Vote: Chairman Billy Liggan – Yes, Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek – Yes, Jere Brown –Yes, Nick Mercurio   – Yes, John Ivankovic – Yes, Jim Luckner – Yes

Motion carried.

Motion made by Jim Luckner, seconded by Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek, to approve application #2020-5-Site Plan Review-Rosendale Acupuncture with the following conditions:

  1. A copy of the highway work permit issued from the New York State Department of Transportation
  2. (3) Copies of the Final Site Plan are submitted
  3. All fees are paid in full.

Roll Vote: Chairman Billy Liggan – Yes, Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek – Yes, Jere Brown –Yes, Nick Mercurio   – Yes, John Ivankovic – Yes, Jim Luckner – Yes

Motion carried.


Pre-Application Workshop:

  • Patricia Brooks of Brooks & Brooks Land Surveyors PC is present representing the Shawangunk Conglomerate Ltd.
  • She is present to discuss a proposed subdivision of lands of Shawangunk Conglomerate Ltd. located on the westerly side of Springtown Road designated as Tax Parcel 70.4-3-1.11
  • The applicants propose to subdivide their 165 acre+- parcel of land to convey the westerly 70 to 80 acres to a land conservation organization. The lot would be stipulated on the subdivision map as “not a buildable parcel”, and that restriction would also be included in the deed of conveyance.
  • The board thanks Mrs. Brooks for her time and after a short discussion they decide to consult with the Town of Rosendale Attorney regarding this specific proposal.


Motion made by Nick Mercurio, seconded by Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek, to adjourn at 8:17 pm.

Roll Vote: Chairman Billy Liggan – Yes, Vice Chairman Joseph Havranek – Yes, Jere Brown –Yes, John Ivankovic – Yes, Nick Mercurio – Yes, Jim Luckner – Yes

Motion carried

Respectfully submitted,

Brisa Casas

Planning Board Clerk